Ministries -Get Connected
We encourage everyone to be a part of a ministry at New Life. God has given each person gifts and talents to be used for the Kingdom. This is also a great way to connect and grow with others.
For more information on these ministries, or if you are interested in being a part of them, please feel free to contact the church office.

"Soldiers For Christ" (3 yrs - 1st Grade)
"LifeKids" (2nd Grade - 6th Grade)
Our Children's Ministries provides a great hands-on learning environment for your child. Our leaders are filled with compassion and are dedicated to create a lesson that you and your child can enjoy. We teach the importance of knowing God's Word, the need for prayer, and how worship can bring it altogether.

"Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all widsom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spirtual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God." Colossians 3:16Not only are we passionate about people, we are passionate about praising God! We believe that "God dwells in the praises of His people" and we worship Him for who He is. It is through the singing that we can prepare our hearts to receive what God has for us and just focus our attention on Him.
For all you Southern Gospel Fans...every year during the Fall, Winter, and Spring seasons we hosts great concerts with some of the top names in Southern Gospel Music. You can easily check out who is coming on our home page or our calendar. All concerts are free admission as we receive a love offering for the artists. We invite people of all ages to come and enjoy a great family environment and enjoy a wonderful time of inspiration, encouragement, and entertainment.

Our nursery is staffed with wonderful, caring people who are ready to serve you and your children. We provide a safe and secure place where your child can learn about God and His love, while you are able to enjoy the main service. Our Nursery Staff believes that "from small beginnings comes great things", and we look forward to seeing what great things God plants in the hearts of your child.
It is wonderful to know that whatever God has planned, nothing can stand in His way! Our youth is a vitale part of this church. We have seen God bring youth in and I believe we will see more of that blessing in the years to come.
Breakthrough Youth Ministries meet together on Sunday nights. The youth join the adults in the sanctuary for music and worship and then convene together with their director, Sarah Land. They are also active with various activities and fund raisers throughout the year.

Women of Friendship
Women of Excellence
At Women's Ministries, both the old and young at heart can experience great fellowship, great food and a love for the teaching of God's Word. Each month we enjoy a breakfast buffet, a time of prayer, and a lesson of God's truth and how to apply it to our lives today. Once every quarter we have the opportunity to exchange names for our Prayer Partners Ministry. We know the power of prayer and how it can be a blessing to others and yourself as well.
We believe that as we come together, it not only strengthens our relationships, but our faith as well. We encourage you to join us on the last Saturday of every month at 9:30 AM. Hope to see you there!