Why Choose New Life?
Are You Looking For A Home Church?
We believe that you will find what you're looking for right here at New Life Assembly of God. If you are looking for a home church to attend, we want to help find the church that is right for you. You want a church that is more than just a place filled with a lot of friendly people. The church that will meet your needs must show several other basis qualities. Here are some suggestions for finding a church that is right for you.
Find a church that is looking for you! It will be reaching beyond its walls to meet needs, to bring new people into the faith and fellowship, and to offer each one worship and service opportunities.Find a church that will tell you the truth! To be a right church, it must preach, teach, and practice the Bible as the Word of God.
Find a church that will love you as you are while it helps you become what you should be. A good church will pick you up when you are down, no matter how you got there. The right church will meet you where you are with the love of Jesus.
Find a church that knows its purpose and faithfully pursues it. It must be committed to worship, to building mature followers of Christ, and to deliver effectively the message of Jesus to everyone everywhere.
Find a church that designs its ministries with you and those you care about in mind. It will be you-oriented. More than just trying to build itself, it will be most intent upon addressing the unique needs of men, women, teens and children helping each one develop into everything God intends.
Find a church that will help you see beyond yourself. Your church should provide a place and ways, not only to worship and receive, but also to work and to give to others. Your abilities, interests, needs, and talents will blend with others in a vibrant and caring family of believers.
This is a church that will feel like home...This is Mesa New Life!