New Here?
We are excited to know that you are thinking about coming to our church! We hope that if are looking for a home church, you'll consider us to be a part of your family! We want you to be blessed by God's presence and WE will be blessed by YOU.
When you attend New Life Assembly of God, you will be greeted at the door with a warm smile and a friendly welcome. Our Welcome Team will be there to assist you in any way needed. We want everyone to know that you are an important part of our church. Whether it be through a phone call, an email, or even a Sunday lunch, we want to help you get connected with New Life.
Here is what you can expect to find during our Main Service...
Worship in Singing: Scriptural varieties of worship are personally expressed by singing. At New Life we combine the contemporary songs of today with the timeless hymns. We encourage outward expressions of worship such as the raising of hands, clapping of hands, as well as verbal praise.
Worship In Giving and Sharing God's Love: Expression of worship is continued through the giving of tithes and offerings. The opportunity is made for all to express God's love to one another through greetings, especially to our guests.
Worship in Meditating on God's Word: Teaching and preaching from the Bible which is the Word of God.
Our Invitation: At the end of our worship service, we will give you an opportunity to become a Christian by praying to receive Jesus Christ into your life. Jesus said that He is knocking on the door of our hearts and all we need to do is open that door to let Him in. In addition, if you would like prayer for any special needs, we would like to encourage you to pray with our prayer counselors during altar time.
We want you to know how much we appreciate you. First-time attenders can expect to receive a follow-up letter from our Pastor and a phone call to see if there is any way we can minister to you. We hope you will consider joining us at our next service. We can't wait to see you there!